January 25th
of St. Paul
Jeremiah 1:4019. Acts 22:3-16.
Mark 16:15-18
All who seek truth and
commit themselves to it,
as they are offered it,
are brought to fulfilment
in Our redeeming, sanctifying
love. And they are given
their place in the Father’s
Kingdom and their part in
contribution to it as they
continue faithful, in the
way. And so it is for all
born into the Father’s
world from the greatest
to the least.
All are called to be messengers
of the word and witnesses
to the truth as they are
led and guided by Or Holy
Spirit and enabled by the
grace and power of My indwelling.
The word of truth and the
power of love are for growth
and fulfilment in all receiving
them and for sharing with
the one and many in the
Father’s world.