January 20th
6:10-30. Mark 2:22-28
Be faithfully committed
in Our love as Father, Son
and Holy Spirit seek to
make you perfect in the
Father’s loving purpose.
His purpose is to bring
you to the fulness of eternal
life in His most glorious
Presence and to make you
a channel of Our love to
others in His world. Such
is His will and loving purpose
for every one born into
His world.
As to self-discipline in
prayer and worship and in
the way of daily life let
it be simple, and pray for
guidance by Our Holy Spirit.
All self-discipline should
be constructive both for
yourself and others. Give
generously both of your
substance and of yourself
as you are prompted by the
need of others and by Love.
Love is the measure and
the judge of all things
in the Father’s world.