Thursday, September 4th
Colossians 1:9-14 Luke 5:1-11

All that you have is given you by the Father for your well-being and to enable and empower you in the Kingdom of His love. Respect and treasure all that you receive, and garner both material and spiritual gifts for the use of others as you are led and guided by Our Holy Sprit.

All that you are and all you are becoming is offered you by the Father - I speak to one, I speak to all. As you respond to His word in the grace and power of Our love so do We increasingly make Our home in you. So does the Father’s will and loving purpose become the dynamic of all you do and all you are becoming through the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

Follow, then, and offer all you have and all you are becoming to the challenge and fulfilment of the Father’s will and loving purpose.