Monday, September 15th
Our Lady of Sorrows
Proverbs 8:22-31. Hebrews 5:7-9. John 19:25-27

The Lord - Creator of all in Heaven and earth brought forth the power of Creative Love from the Substance of His Being. I am that Love: with Him in creation I entered human life in the time appointed according to His will and loving purpose and in love, obedience and faithfulness gave pattern of perfection in My life and salvation through my death to all the children of the Father’s love who would receive it.

The one called from birth to be the Mother of Incarnate Love in the Father’s world was Mary, My beloved Mother. Joy was hers from the beginning but also incipient sorrow. And if at the Cross of my suffering and death sorrow was paramount, joy came in the morning, for her loved and loving Son, beloved Son of the Heavenly Father, was raised up by the Father and offers to all the sons of men victory over sin and death.

Identify with both the suffering and the victory, and honour her who was the human instrument of the Father’ love.