Monday, September 29th
Gabriel. Raphael, Archangels
7:9-10, 13-14. John 1:47-51
“The hosts of God
encamp around the dwellings
of the just”. So was
it written in ages past.
So is it now and shall be
to the end of time. Angels,
archangels and the whole
company of Heaven, who serve
the Father constantly in
the glory of His Presence,
are not let or hindered
by the circumstances of
the terrestrial but glorify
Him continually in His Presence.
All who seek to love and
serve the Father and to
do His will - as they are
led and guided by Our Holy
Spirit - are protected by
Our holy angels who go before
them and cover them with
the mantle of Our Presence.
For I, the Son of Man, the
Father’s Love Incarnate
and Incarnate Love, am The
Resurrection and The Life.