Friday, September 26th
1:15-2:9. Luke 9:18-22
Listen to the Lord who
speaks to leaders, priests
and people in every place
and race and faith and time.
He who loved all into being
calls the sons and daughters
of his love to recognise
His Presence in the heart
and mind and community.
As you listen and respond
so will your eyes be opened,
your hearts warmed and enfired
by the beauty and the power
of His Presence.
And I, the Father’s
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, with and through Our
Holy Spirit, will make all
things new to all who give
themselves to Our redeeming,
sanctifying love. I am He
who treads the wine-press
of all suffering in the
Father’s world and
I have overcome for all
identifying in The Way,
The Truth, The Life in love
and in self-giving.