Wednesday, September 17th
Colossians 3:1-11. Luke 6:23

As I live in you and you in Me so is the Father’s will increasingly identified. Our Holy Spirit enlightens as you follow in the way We lead and guide, power given through the dynamic of Our indwelling. Such is the Father’s will and loving purpose for every one of His beloved sons and daughters. All are challenged by it, all accountable and all rewarded according to their response to the light and life and truth offered them in the context of their life and living.

I died that you might live and I live now at the right hand of the Father but also in the hearts and minds and lives of all faithfully committed in Our redeeming, sanctifying love. I am both Judge and Saviour and I bring all faithful in Our love to the Father- Creator of all in earth and Heaven in the fulness of eternity.