Tuesday, November 4th
Philippians 2:5-11. Luke 14:15-24

The Father has created you and is continually creating you - and all continuing faithful in His love - to glorify His Holy Name and live with Him in joy for ever. What tragedy and sadness and eternal loss, then, for those who turn away from this tremendous generosity and the gift of His redeeming, sanctifying love. The choice is theirs and so is the reward.

The Father’s Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love is open to every one of His beloved sons and daughters whoever lived or ever will. All responding to the invitation in faith and trust and self-giving in Our love receive the means of progress in the way and power for service to the Father and His world as they continue faithful.

And the charge to one and all faithfully committed in love and in self-giving is to be our love to all within the Father’s world according to His will and loving purpose. Love is the Way, the Truth, the Life for one and all.