Wednesday, November 26th
Apocalypse 15; 1-4 Luke 21:12-19

All born into the Father’s world will suffer the sorrows and the setbacks of this fleeting world and many will suffer through their faithfulness to the Son of Man. Through My suffering and My life laid down in faith and trust and absolute self-giving I have redeemed the one and many : all following in My steps and faithful in Our redeeming, sanctifying love are brought to life eternal and are strengthened and enabled in the way.

The glory of All-Being and All-Loving is a consuming fire: all evil and unworthiness is destroyed in the presence of Eternal Love and many suffer in the consummation. But it is written ‘sorrow abides for a season but joy comes in the morning’. Rejoice that this is so and identify in all things with the Suffering, Triumphant Son of Man.