Sunday, November 30th
1st Sunday in Advent
Isaiah 63:16-19, 64:2-7. 1 Corinthians 1:3-9. Mark 13:33-37

He who has created and is constantly creating looks for the fruits of His creation in His world, To the sons of men, sons and daughters of His love, he has given freedom and with that freedom offered redemption to restore and make perfect in and through His love His whole creation.

I am the Father’s Love in His most glorious world: with and through Our Holy Spirit I bring all who are in Me and I in them to the fulness planned by the Father from the beginning.

Be constantly alert, then, to the hope of your high calling, ready at all times to respond to the Father’s will. So will you be prepared for the final consummation, accountable for your response to the Father’s love.