November 27th
19:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9
All that militates against
Eternal Love and witnesses
to evil will be destroyed
in the fulness of eternity.
It has the seeds of its
own destruction from the
beginning and all faithfully
committed in Our redeeming,
sanctifying love are aligned
with the destruction and
the victory: I, the Father’s
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, am The Victory, The
Resurrection and The Life.
Take heart, then, and be
resolute in your commitment
and your faithfulness: I
speak to one, I speak to
all. When trials and tribulations
come bear them with patience
and in trust and recall
that Love has conquered
all and seeks to make that
conquest real in the heart
and mind of the one and
of the many.