May 5th
19:1-8. John 11:29-33
I am the peace the Father
gives to all who are in
Me and I in them. What is
that peace and who is it
who comes to all the faithful
and the true of heart who
are committed to the Father’s
will and loving purpose?
I am He Who trod the winepress
all alone – yet not
alone because He from whom
I came was with Me, and
through My obedience even
unto death, and through
their faithfulness in love
I bring all in Me and I
in them to the Father.
Continue in My love through
renewal and self-giving.
So will the dynamic of Our
Holy Spirit bring you to
the Father in the Kingdom
of eternal love in the fulness
of eternity. And the peace
of My Presence will be with
you always whate’er
the outward circumstance.