May 21st
4:13-17. Mark 9:38-40
Believe and trust in Him
who has created, is continually
creating you in the power
of His love and calls you
now into His Presence in
His Kingdom of eternal life
and light and love. Seek
the Father’s will
in all you think and say
and do and pray for the
means and power to do it.
So will you have knowledge
of His Presence and peace
in commitment to His purpose
and His power.
For I, the Father’s
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, enter the heart and
mind of all so committed.
Through My indwelling and
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit all is fulfilled
and made perfect in due
time according to the Father’s
will and loving purpose
in individual and community
faithful and obedient in
Our love. Follow, then,
and call constantly on My
Name in faith and trust
and self-giving.