May 4th
1:12-14. 1Peter 4:13-16. John
Pray to know the mystery
of suffering love and, through
My indwelling, become a
part of it. So will the
Father’s will be known
and done in you as you identify
with My life and death in
the grace and power of My
risen life. And so it is
for all faithfully committed
in Our love and in the Father’s
loving purpose.
As I glorified the Father
in My earthly life through
My obedience even in My
suffering, separation from
the consciousness of His
Presence and My death so
do you glorify Me and the
Father too through your
obedience and self-giving.
For this I ceaselessly pray
in the Father’s Presence
and constantly seek to enable
you and all faithful in
Our love that you may enter
in the joy and glory of
Eternal Love.