May 29th
Peter 2:2-53, 5-12. Mark 10:46-52
Stay close to Me, believing.
Pray for integrity of mind
and faithfulness of heart
that I may enter in the
centre of your being. So,
with and through Our Holy
Spirit, We will cleanse
and purify. So will you
become a place for Our indwelling.
The Father calls you and
every one of His beloved
sons and daughters committed
to the truth in love and
in self-giving to be Our
life and light and love
to others as you are led
and guided by Or Holy Spirit.
Rise, shine, for your light
is come and the glory of
the Lord of all has risen
upon you.
As light is received into
heart and mind so is truth
revealed: I am the Light,
the Truth, the Way. Follow
as you are led and guided
that you may have the light
of life and become a place
of my indwelling and I will
bring you to the fulness
of eternal life and light
and love in the glorious
presence of the Father.