Tuesday, January 30th
Hebrews 12:1-4. Mark 5:21-43

I, the Resurrection and the Life, call you and all who seek truth and power to walk in it to follow in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. The Father who created you and continually creates you as you continue faithful in the Way, reveals His will and loving purpose, and Our Holy Spirit enlightens and empowers your going and your progress in the way.

You are one among the vast concourse of believers who have travelled in the way of wholeness, holiness and perfection and are travelling even now. Be strengthened and encouraged by this fact and by the knowledge that I, he Way, The Truth, the Life, have travelled it before you and am with each one and with the whole concourse of the faithfully committed in Our love. The suffering which everyone experiences in the way of life can be made a part of My redemptive offering to the Father and to the Father’s world as you remain in Me and I in you. Abide in Me as I abide in you: I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters who seek to follow faithfully where We lead and guide.