Wednesday, January 24th
Ephesians 3:8-12. John 15:9-17

I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, have given My self to the world of His creation: such was His will and loving purpose before time was. In life, through death and in the grace and power of My risen life I bring all committed to My saving, sanctifying offering into the fulness of Eternal Love, the Lord of all Creation.

All who die to sin and to the self-authenticating nature of their being through My indwelling are brought to faithfulness and obedience in Our love and so to the very power of loving. For I am the love, the joy, the means of progress in the Father and of fellowship with all so committed.

Love, then, in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. Learn of me for I am meek and lowly of heart: let me prompt your every thought an action – I, the Father’s Word and His incarnate love . Give time and place daily where I may enter in the deep places of your soul and impart to you the joy and power of Our love.