Tuesday, January 2nd
1 John 2:29-3:6. John 1:19-28

A cleansing of the heart and mind is necessary before Eternal Love can make His home in you. And this is both a first condition and also a continual need for all who follow in The Way. He who came to earth to serve the Father and the Father’s world in love and in self-giving is both the giver of eternal life and eternal life itself: I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love am He who came at the time appointed according to the Father’s will and loving purpose to save and teach and train and – with Our Holy Spirit- sanctify each child of man born into the Father’s world.

Respond, beloved of the Father: listen to the word I speak, receive the love I offer. Let Me grow daily and increasingly in your soul that I may bring you to the fulness of the Father in His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Love. I speak to one, I speak to every beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father.