Monday, January 22nd
Hebrews 9:15, 24-28. Mark 22-30

Once only was the offering made that men and women might receive forgiveness and remission of their sins and for all falling short of the Father’s will and loving purpose. Sin is deadly, My saving and redeeming love gives life eternal. Eternal life is yours – I speak to all – as you receive and wear the garment of salvation which I offer and My Presence in your heart and mind. Through \my indwelling and the light and guiding of Our loving and dynamic Holy Spirit you will be given to know the Father’s will for you and do it in the grace and power of Our Presence as you continue faithful and obedient in the way.

Through the indwelling of Our Holy Spirit your perception of all truth will be refined and you will be given power increasingly to relate to it as you give yourself in faith and trust to that which is revealed. All who turn from truth as it is revealed to them lose the light We offer and are increasingly in darkness until they turn to the Source of light and My saving love.