Wednesday, January 17th
St Anthony
Ephesians: 6:10-13, 18: Matthew 9:16-26

Offer all you have and all you are to Him who called you into being. All you have is given you by the Father to build you up in faith and trust and love as an instrument of His will and loving purpose. Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you will become that which the Father purposed before time was – as you respond in love and in self-giving and continue obediently even to the end.

Be inspired by Our saints of all times and places. All are called to sanctity and perfection in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love, each differently endowed for service and with his individual contribution to build up and offer through Our indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Open heart and mind to My Presence and to the grace and power of our Holy Spirit. So shall We purify and empower you in loving service of the Father and bring you to His glorious Presence.