Monday, May 9th
Acts 19:1-8. John 16:29-33

I and the Father are one. Yet I left the Father's side inn time that I might gather into His eternal Presence His redeemed and sanctified creation. I entered into human life in the limitations and potentials of humanity. Through My teaching and My perfect life ,laid down for the redemption and salvation of the sons of men, I bring all responsive and faithful in the way into the Father's Presence in the fullness of eternity.

For this I lived and died. For this I ceaselessly offer My triumphant, risen life to every one who will receive it. Only believe and trust, beloved of the Father, and pray for obedience and faithfulness in the way.

As I am one with the Father so are you in Me and I in you as you continue faithful, and with all committed to Our saving, sanctifying love I bring you to the fullness of eternity through the grace sand power of our Holy Spirit.