Thursday, May 26th
Corpus Christi
St. Philip Neri
Deut. 8:2-3,14-16.
1 Cor .10:16-17. John 6:51-58
Phil. 4:4-9. John 17:20-26
Seek the highest things in Me and
they will be given you. So will
you be filled with joy and love,
with power in service and self-giving.
So will Our peace be yours in time
and through eternity.
And you will have eternal life
through my self-giving, for I feed
all committed to My saving love
who take Me into heart and mind
. From the centre of their being
I comfort and console, teach, train
and lead them towards perfection
and minister to others through their
faithfulness and self-giving.
Such is the Father's will and loving
purpose. Receive My Presence in
the token and the Substance that
you may be one in Us and with all
the saved and sanctified of all
times and places.