Friday, May 13th
Acts 25:13-23.
John 21:15-19
Be subject at all times to Our
loving Holy Spirit. Learn what this
means through silent waiting on
the Father's will : it will be shown
as you are faithful and obedient
in the way : I speak to you, I speak
to all who seek truth in love and
in self-giving.
Seek nothing but the Father's will
and seek it in humility and sensitivity
- humbly towards Him who calls you
to His service and sensitivity towards
all whom you encounter in the way.
Identify with all faithfully committed
in The Way that same dynamic, loving
impulse which We impart to you and
unite with it . It will give both
power and direction in your journey
and to those whom you identify in
the way. Be liberated in Our love
and joyfully committed to the Father's
will and loving purpose.