May 23rd
17:24-29. Mark 10:17-27
All who accept the discipline of
right law in obedience to that which
is required of them and do so in
a willing spirit have started out
upon the way of the fulfilled and
perfect life. But it is only a beginning
, and if regarded as the good life
itself they are deluded and fall
short of all the Father's plans
for them.
I am The Way, The Father's Word
Incarnate and Incarnate Love, and
I seek to enter every heart and
mind that I may be the Father's
love in them. As I am welcomed in
the soul so I gradually reveal the
Father's will and loving purpose
for them. And this is for the one
in the context of the many. The
Father's love encompasses and enfolds
yet seeks a total self-giving from
His beloved sons and daughters.
I, the Way, The Truth, The Life,
make all things possible according
to the Father's will and loving