May 1st
6th. Easter
Acts v8:5-8,
14-17. 1 Peter 8:15-18. John 3:15-18
The Father yearns to impart His
truth to all who will accept it.
To them He pours into their hearts
and minds both understanding and
the power to know and understand
His loving purpose and to do His
will as they are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit.
Love is the understanding and the
power to know the truth and do the
Father's will according to His loving
purpose. Pray constantly and ceaselessly
for love - love of the Father and
love for all within the Father's
world. I am His love : as you are
in Me and I in you so are you in
the Father too, with all the faithfully
committed of all times and places.
Let joy and peace be yours both
now and always. Sing maranatha in
your soul.