Friday, May 7th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "I am the way, the Truth and the
Life. No-one can come to the Father except through Me
John 14:6

I am the Father's presence in His world and I bring each faithful follower to Him in time and through eternity. The Father's comprehensive love has made this possible and necessary and My identity with this His loving purpose unites the faithfully committed in the dynamic of our saving, sanctifying love. So has it been since time began so is it now and shall be till the end of time.

The Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word is with each child of man from the beginning. He is the means and the fulfilment, the knowledge and the understanding and the dynamic of eternal life in time and through eternity.

It is the Father's loving purpose and the accomplishment of My incarnate victory that every child of man should increasingly perceive his place within the pattern of eternal lifer and receive Our saving, sanctifying love as he responds in love and faithfulness. My life, My death, My resurrection and my risen life give light, direction, knowledge of the way and power to walk in it as I am received and welcomed in the soul.