Saturday, May 1st
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Whatever you shall ask in My Name I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son"
John 14:14

My Name is power to save each child of man the Father has created. All that is necessary for my redeeming work to begin and to progress within the soul and in community is to call upon My Saving Name and in the light and power of My saving love to live and work in trust and faithfulness.

Such is the Father's will and loving g purpose. For this I lived a human life in the perfection of my manhood and in the Father's glory. My glory, which is the radiance of the Father's glory and the power of Our Holy Spirit I laid aside for my incarnate years that I might glorify the Father both in the work He gave to me to do and through My death. So through My resurrection and my risen life I bring the fruits of this tremendous operation into the souls and destinies in life eternal of all who take them to themselves in the light and power of Our saving, sanctifying love. And those same fruits it is the Father's will and loving purpose to bring to all according to His glorious plan for His created world. Continually call upon My Name that I may glorify the Father in your faithfulness.