Tuesday, May 18th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "When the Advocate comes whom I shall send you from the Father , the Spirit of Truth who issues from the Father, He will be My witness."
John 15:26

There is no truth save that which issues from the Father . And I am that Truth, the means to know and do it and so to love and serve the Father' There is no way to know and love and serve the Father save through Me. But I am the light and life and power of love in every man, revealing through his means of understanding, rewarding in the measure of his faithfulness to love and truth. All beloved children of the Father who walk in faith and trust and love I bring to His glorious presence in time and through eternity as they continue faithful. Many there are who do not know My Saving Name : these Our Holy Spirit leads and guides as He leads and guides My faithful followers. My presence in their hearts and minds unites them with those faithful in all disciplines and faiths who live in truth and love, for love and truth are indivisible and constant.

And love is both the means and the fulfilment of knowing and becoming all that the Father wills and purposes through the power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.