Saturday, May 15th
Jesus said, "………you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world . That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you,'no servant is greater than his master'"
John 15:19-20

As you commit yourself to love - love of the Father and of your fellowmen - you receive that vision and experience of eternity which it is the Father's will and loving purpose to give you. My life laid down gives liberation from those things which keep you from that fulfilment, and through my risen life that vision and experience is brought into reality as you continue faithful.

This is the challenge and reward of every child of man whoever lived or ever will. For so the Father wills and purposes. And it is both joy and glory in the Son to bring those things to their fruition and fulfilment in the light and power of Our Holy Spirit.

But all that militates against this glorious destiny and rejects the light and life We offer relinquish all that makes for joy and for fulfilment. And I continually suffer in their apostasy and in the hurt they inflict upon themselves and others.