Saturday, September 5th

Frequently review your life and consider both your aims and your achievements. Consider how far you order it according to the Father's will and ask yourself if you have sought the Father's will in all things. Ask for the disposition and the will to make the Father's will your prime commitment. All who earnestly desire to know the Father's will with power to do it are given resources and the strength as they are needed.

All faithful members of the Father's Kingdom greet every day with praise and thankfulness to Him who gives all life and light and power. And as these gifts enter heart and mind and limbs they offer all to Him who gives them. The Father knows what He requires from each in loving service and in reaction to His whole creation and He will reveal and guide according to the faithfulness of each. As each day ends the faithful offer all to Him in faith and love, in sorrow for shortcomings, and in thankfulness.

All living faiths have value as they encourage to identify, desire and do the Father's will in individual and community.