Tuesday, September 1st
We are those who have the mind of Christ
I Corinthians 2:16

The Father desires the children of His love to know and love Him and to grow into such understanding of His Being and His world that they will come to fellowship with Him,

All who follow in the way of righteousness as they perceive it, obedient to Our light within their mind and heart, make progress in the way the Father seeks for them. And they contribute to the Father's Kingdom as they pursue their way in faithfulness and in self-giving.

And those who give themselves in love, seeking His will in all things and His power to do it, identifying with the suffering world as it is given them, these have "the mind of Christ". Whether known through teaching and experience or dimly seen as darkly through a glass, the "mind of Christ" is theirs and they grow together in the Father and with His whole created universe.