Wednesday, September 2nd
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Stay awake, because you do not know the day when your Master is coming."
Mathew 24:51

The whole created universe proclaims the good news of the Father's love and power. The natural world proclaims through its great beauty, infinite variety, and through continual renewal of its kind and species. To man the Father gives the privilege of sharing this great wealth of nature and participating in its husbandry.

Man He has made 'a little lower than the angels', and offers him eternal life. Since time began the Father has bestowed His love on every child of man whoever lived, and calls each one to live in love with Him and with all other children of His love.

But down the human years sin, selfishness and hate have deflected many from following this great and glorious purpose of the Father. Yet many more in a thousand places in many thousand different ways fulfil His hope for them. For I have brought salvation to His world and offer it to all who live in love and faithfulness in self-giving to the truth: I speak at their soul's centre. This is the good news of the Father's Kingdom. Listen as I preach it to your heart and mind.