Saturday, October 3rd
Turning to His Disciples , Jesus said to them privately, "Happy the eyes that see what you see, for I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see and never saw it ; to hear what you hear and never heard it"
Luke 10:24

As it was for these My faithful followers and friends in My incarnate life so is it for all who see, perceive and know these things of which I speak. And I speak them to each one who walks in faith and trust and love ; the Word made flesh is heard by those who listen at the centre of their being and Love incarnate seen by all who give themselves in selfless love.

The Father's whole creation is His gift to Me, His well-beloved. And I, His loving power and Presence in creation have entered it in time, identified with everything that is or was or ever shall be and I increasingly rejoice as I bring all things to perfection. Even My suffering and My death can be the means of joy for every faithful one who sees the Father's love in My self-giving and identifies with My eternal sacrifice. And all identifying with my suffering are given the joy of sharing in the victory.