Monday, October 12th
Luke 11:29-32

Each child of man is a beloved child of the loving heavenly Father, each loved by Him as though there were no other. And each is called to be a stone within the fabric of His Kingdom, a jewel in His glorious crown. Through relationship and circumstance each one is led to his fulfilment as each runs the course of life and time , opportunity and resources are available as the Father's will is sought ad followed.

Sadnesses and setbacks are encountered in the way of every child of man; failures in faithfulness which men call 'sin' are the experience of all who travel in the way. All these are stepping stones to growth and maturity as they are offered to Our saving, sanctifying love. I am that love, Our Holy Spirit the light and guide to insight and to understanding.

This is the sign of all signs for the one and many: so has it been since time began, so shall it be until the end of time when love will bring all things to their perfection.