Wednesday, October 28th
St. Simon and St. Jude
Luke 6, 12-19

Each child of the loving Heavenly Father has a place within His Kingdom and a function to fulfil. Each is graciously invited to accept that place and live through his life and work relying on Our strength and guidance. We are his love and joy and fruitfulness as he pursues his way in faithfulness. And when he falls or strays We lovingly restore him in the way as he desires and seeks Our healing Presence. So he grows into that fulness and particular identity the Father purposed for him before time was, contributing his life and witness to the Father's glory and to the extension of the Father's Kingdom.

So has it been since time began, so is it now and shall be till the end of time. The witness of My beloved Disciples shines down the ages as a shining light to countless generations; but all My faithfully committed are beacons to the Father's world signalling His love for all and His invitation to belong to His eternal Kingdom contributing to His loving purpose through Our saving, sanctifying love.