February 22nd
Jesus said
to His Disciples,
salt in yourselves and be at peace
with one another."
Desire at all times and in all
circumstances the well-being and
happiness of those with whom you
have to do. Then when problems arrive
you will be able to see more clearly
how to deal with them, for you will
be given illumination concerning
the cause of them. And you will
be endowed with knowledge and power
to disperse the clouds and liberate
the one and the many from that which
troubled them. And you will be released
from hurt which may have arisen
from the circumstance. Pray continuously,
and love without ceasing. So will
peace and joy triumph, and problems
dispelled even as morning clouds.
No child of the Father committed
to His love and to the progress
of His loving will and purpose can
allow anxieties and ill-will to
fester in the heart and mind. The
light of Our Holy Spirit and the
power of My indwelling with the
all-embracing love of the Father
are constantly at work to progress
each and every child in the way
to perfection in himself and through
him in the community of The Kingdom.
So does each one who is faithful
in loving commitment become the
salt of the earth and the light
of the world as he is faithful to
the power, the joy, the peace and
the love which are at work within