Friday February 2nd
Presentation of the Lord

Love was born into the world of men in time, tended and reared, guarded and led. And He was joy and comfort to those who cared for Him, growing into that for which He had been destined before time was: for He came to redeem and perfect and lead the children of men to eternal fulfilment, and has been ever since and will be until the end of time.

But let it be seen and known and understood that until all is gathered into the joyful Presence of the Father at the end of time those who cradle Incarnate Love in their hearts and minds and lives are also graciously called to identify with the pain of redemption and with the sorrow of suffering ; such does not negate or lessen the value of loving but rather enhances it. And he who is not willing and ready to allow the gift of love in him to be used as the Father wills, even to the point of suffering and seeming loss, is diminished and unfulfilled.

The loving obedience of My beloved Mother bound her to the Father for all time and eternity and, through her closeness to My life and purpose in suffering love, made her a joyful participant in the world's salvation. And all may share in this glorious destiny who accept the challenge of loving obedience in all things.