Tuesday, March 7th
Jesus said to the man who had been sick for thirty-eight years," Do you want to be well again ?…………………Get up, pick up your sleeping mat and walk." And the man was cured at once

No man or group or society or nation can be cured of that which diminishes their wholeness unless they desire and seek healing and wholeness. The Father does not bestow that which is not sought or required, so great is His respect for his children's independence ; yet He yearns continually to bring His beloved children, each and every one of them, into the orbit of His caring love.. So did I minister to this end in My earthly life. So do I now in and through My loving, committed ones , to reach those who inertly lie by their Pool of Siloam waiting to be roused into progress in wholeness and active fellowship in the Father's Kingdom. From the reaching out of the inert towards the light of dynamic love in person, group, society and nation will come the propulsion of our will and purpose first in healing and wholeness, then in integration in group and community, and finally into identification of the person, group and society and nation into the furtherance of the glorious Kingdom of the Father. Earnestly desire your healing and your wholeness, children of your Heavenly Father, and seek it with your whole heart and mind and will. In the earnest seeking and the faithful obedience of the one will the many be brought to the light.