Thursday, March
Jesus said, "…Before Abraham
was, I am"
How wonderfully the Father designed
His world in love: first to create
man to know and rejoice in Him and
His glorious creation and then to
re-create in and through My participation
and saving love through the power
of our Holy Spirit. With Him before
time was and reunited with Him after
My saving work was done in the glory
of the Godhead, My time on earth
was/is lived out in union with His
loving purpose for mankind.
And because I entered the world
the Father created in time I am
one with each and every one of His
beloved children in every age and
time calling to fullness of life,
offering - through My saving love
- the power of self-giving. And
many who do not know My Name or
see my face are orientated and strengthened,
as they react to the light afforded
them, by My Presence around and
within.. And as the response increases,
so does the power of My Indwelling.
Regard and consider the saints of
the Father's world. They most truly
reflect My Presence in them and
My ministry through them to the
Father's world. And yet they are
uniquely themselves.. distinct and
whole as they were designed by the
Father. Before Abraham was, I am.
I am one with the Father in glory
and honour, but also one with His
beloved creation, identifying with
mankind in suffering love, offering,
through My saving love, fulfilment
and joy in eternity.