Sunday, March
Palm Sunday
The Disciples
went and did as Jesus directed and
brought the donkey and her foal. Then
the crowd ….raised the shout."Hosanna
to the Son of David! Hosanna in the
Heavens !"
I and the Father are one. His loving,
saving, perfecting purpose for His
world is expressed in an through
Me since the beginning of time even
to eternity. And I call each and
every one of the Father's beloved
children to unite in and through
My saving love to allow Me to perfect
in them the Father's purpose so
that each may , in the fullness
of time, receive that fulfilment
in themselves and for the Kingdom.
So do I look for faithfulness in
those who call Me Lord and Master,
and in those who are faithful but
do not yet recognise the face of
Love. All are called and directed
to participate in the Father's Kingdom
; according to the faithfulness
of individual and group is the Father's
will perfected. Today My Church
recalls My triumphant entry into
Jerusalem when, five days before
My death, I drove in peace and love
to claim the hearts and minds of
the people of Jerusalem for the
Father's Kingdom. My Disciples had
done as I had asked them and brought
the donkey and her foal. Joyfully
they led the humble beast and their
Lord and King into the city, as
he desired it. And from that joyful
acclamation . as each in his own
way reacted to the proclamation
of humble, diving, challenging sovereignty
, events made their indelible imprint.
Rejoice in the triumph of your Lord
and King. Discover His will for
you in all things, and faithfully
fulfil that which is given you to
do in and through My life and love.