Saturday, March 4th
Jesus said, " Every one who exalts himself will be humbled but the man who humbles himself will be exalted"
Luke 18:14

It is the humility of right understanding and singleness of mind in honouring the Father which will exalt the children of the Father both now and in eternity. The committed child of the Father is possessed by His love, guided by the light of Our Holy Spirit, saved and sanctified and alive in Me : where, then, is the place for self-exaltation ? Those who persevere to the end in the saving power of our love are exalted for time and eternity in the fulfilment and joy of their redeemed, sanctified, glorified selves in the presence of all the children of the Father , throughout time ad eternity who have identified with the Father's loving purpose. And the simplest, humblest child of the Father shall be as the greatest : each and every one is embraced and challenged by the Father's love since the beginning of time. The persistent, loving obedience of the simplest child is a contingency of joy in the courts of Heaven . But there is sadness for the one and many who reject or heedlessly react to the knowledge and understanding which is their national or cultural heritage. Let each and every one of the Father's beloved children on earth consider now as never before what are the contingencies and challenges and the potentialities of humanity both individually and corporately. And let each and every one , each group and nation, tribe and people strive in love to live in the light of their findings.