Saturday, October 1st
Be still and know that I am God

The quiet, still heart and mind are ready for progress where commitment in love is present.

The quiet waiting upon new thinking and fresh initiatives is of prime importance for those who put first in their lives the service of their Heavenly Father and His Kingdom.

Such quiet must be sought, the state of heart and mind cultivated by persistent, disciplined action of preparation and commitment,.

Those followers in the way whom men call saints have practised this disposition even in the face of opposition and persecution. Their holiness was not cheaply gained: it issued from faithful attention at the core of their being to that which was being imparted to them. Their quiet assurance in the face of difficulty and opposition witnessed to the peace that passes knowledge springing from the core of their very being.

Such peace is the soft, strong wind which is shared by all who live and minister and work in the Father's Kingdom in Heaven and on earth. Seek and you will find.