Saturday, January 31st
Epiphany 4
"The hour will come- in fact it is here already - when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth …God is spirit "……"I know that Christ is coming"….."I who am speaking to you…I am He".

Take heart - all is being worked through and the Father's will is triumphing. Pray for faithfulness in the hearts and minds and wills of His children in every race and faith and clime. Many millions are true to the light which has been given them , and many more falteringly follow though assailed by fears and sin and setbacks. Where the Light shines the Father's love is active . Where it burns brightly it beckons and enables. So fulfilment of the lives of individuals, the aspirations of committed people and the unexpressed hopes of the seeking multitudes are assured for eternity through the all-pervasive, all-embracing love of the Father through My Saving Name and in the power of Our Holy Spirit.

Seek only the will of the Father and it will be given you what you should do and the way in which you should accomplish it. Follow My route to Jerusalem. Learn from the pattern of My earthly ministry. It is often a lonely and painful path . Joy is to be found in the knowledge that you are travelling in the Way in the fellowship of One who has trodden it before you.