Saturday, January 30th
"Happy the peacemakers: they shall be called sons of God."

Brothers and sisters of Mine, sons of Our Heavenly Father, for am I not known on earth as the Son of God - at least by My Christian brothers and sisters?

Those who make peace between individuals and communities are establishing the Father's Kingdom on earth. And they proclaim, by the working of the Spirit within them, the Presence of the Father's love and power. So is Our whole Godhead contained in the persons and activities of the peacemakers.

He who seeks peace because of its intrinsic rightness is already possessed by the love of the Father, and he is a dynamic, explosive, power for good. The love of the Father transforms and motivates and activates the peacemakers. He is impelled towards the pockets of unloving as an arrow towards its target. And the arrow which impales the heart of the recipient is the shaft of the love of the Father.