Saturday, January 16th
The healing of the man born blind
John 9:1-7
“I am the light of the world”

The children of the world walk without the light, which could direct and help them. They sin in the ignorance of unbelief.

When the children of My love – those who have committed themselves to Me – when they sin they do so fully realising what they do. And when they repent and offer their frailty to Me I strengthen and empower them for the future. But those to whom much is given much is required.

Live always in the light of My Presence. Anticipate the unguarded moment and make protection available for it.

Recall My words concerning the commitment needed in rest as well as for work, for sleeping hours, for going into sleep and coming out of it, and for leisure and the enjoyment of friends and neighbours. Recall that because of your love and commitment and My love for you and My children around you, I minister in and beyond you as you give Me leave.