Monday, March 5th
Daniel 9:4-10. Luke 6:36-38

The Lord your God, creator of all that is or was or ever shall be, loved you into being, called you into knowledge of and obedience to His will and loving purpose and looks for your response in love and trust and faithfulness: I speak to one, I speak to every one of His beloved sons and daughters. He has given His laws, inspired His prophets to interpret them and offered guidance to all seeking truth in love and in self-giving. How have you responded to His love and to His call to follow as He led and guided? He made a covenant with you and with all who look for truth and guidance in the way. He has been faithful, what is the record and the substance of your faithfulness?

Let mind and heart be open to receive the judgment and the healing of Our love. All have sinned and fallen short of obedience to the Father’s will and loving purpose: I lived and died that you might be forgiven and through My risen life may have life and have it in abundance. I speak to one, I speak to all. Let love so fill your heart and mind that you reveal and radiate the Father’s love in all you say and do. I, the Father’s Love Incarnate, with Our Holy Spirit, am the enabling and empowering.