Friday, March 2nd
Ezekiel 18:21-28. Matthew 5:20-26

All who seek truth and power to know what things they ought to do are given that which they seek as they continue open and committed. And as they follow faithfully, as they are led and guided, their knowledge increases and understanding comes - and wisdom – as they pursue the way in love and faithfulness. For I am their love, their knowledge and – with Our Holy Spirit – the power to identify the way to follow where We lead and guide.

Light is increasingly given to all faithful and obedient in the way, resources opened for cleansing and enabling heart and mind to desire and seek the perfect way in loving service of the Father and in fellowship with all they meet along life’s way.

Give yourself totally all in Love that Love may live increasingly in you. Offer mind and heart and will to Love’s leading and guiding, renewing and fulfilling.