Sunday, March 18th
Joshua 5:9-10. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Luke 15:1-8, 1-32

All that you have is given you by your loving Heavenly Father. He who has created and is constantly creating you gives sustenance and sustaining power and offers you initiatives to explore and opportunities for you to take and to develop .

And He forgives you as forgiveness is needed and sought when you have sinned or fallen short of His will and loving purpose for you. I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son am His reconciling love to the one and many in His world who pray and seek to live in obedience to the word given. I am Incarnate Love, the Father’s Word Incarnate: through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you and all the Father’s beloved sons and daughters may have eternal life and have it in abundance. And each and every one faithful to the Father’s will and loving purpose are brought to His glorious Presence with all the faithful of all times and faiths through the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love in the fulness of eternity.