Wednesday, March 21st
Isaiah 49:8-15. John 5:17-30

I am the Word spoken by the Father to His beloved sons and daughters: that word is Love. Yet it is judgment, too, in Love, and eternal life to all who listen to the Word and accept the love which is His Very Self. Blessings are poured into heart and mind of all who listen to the Word and receive the Love for the honouring of the Father and for the service of the one and many in His world according to His will and loving purpose.

Be comforted and strengthened by this truth, but challenged too. I, the Father’s Well-Beloved, begotten before worlds were created, laid aside the glory of My sonship and took on human flesh with all its frailty and potential. And through My perfect manhood I offer pattern, through My death salvation and through My risen life the glory and the power of the Father in eternal life in the joy and presence of eternal love with all the saved and sanctified in Us from all times and all places.