Saturday, March 17th
1 Peter 4:7-11. Luke 5:1-11

Proclaim the glory and the power of Our Godhead through your love and obedience to the Father’s will and loving purpose. You and all faithful in Our love are called to reflect Our love and to become a channel for Our love in others. So through the grace and power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit many may know of the Father’s love and be brought to into His Kingdom of eternal life and joy and peace in Us.

May I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, live powerfully in you as you follow in the way Our Holy Spirit leads and guides. Pray to be made faithful in the Father’s will and loving purpose, obedient to His word and love in you directing you to the love and service of your brothers and your sisters, your friends and neighbours and of those you meet along the way. I am praying ceaselessly in you and in all committed in Our saving, sanctifying love as you and they continue faithfully in Us.